Town of Wayne, Washington County, Wisconsin

Resolution 2013-04

Fee Schedule


Whereas there are certain activities and services the Town provides that allow the Town of Wayne to collect a fee for these services and activities: and.


Whereas the Town Board may review the fee schedule and adjust the fees from time to time.


Section 1. Fees

Therefore be it resolved that the following fee schedule shall be observed effective October 1, 2020:


Town Documents Zoning Ordinances book $15 plus postage
  A Comprehensive Plan: 2035 book $15 plus postage
  Use of Town Hall $75 per day
  Sesquicentennial Books (Winding through Wayne) $20 per book plus postage
Public Works Driveway permits $150 plus $500 cash bond
  Additional Inspection in connection with permit $75 per occurrence
  As needed, the Culvert Inspector may request bonding or engineering of projects.  Such bonding or engineering requests may be reviewed by the Town Board. If needed, the Town Attorney shall prepare the bonding agreement at the expense of the permit applicant.  The fees for engineering and review of same shall be borne by permit applicant. 
Non Metallic Mining Yearly Permit $210
Licenses and Permits Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages  
  Class "B" Fermented Malt Beverage License $80 per year plus publication costs
  Temporary Class "B" Beer and Wine License (Picnic) $2 per day
  Class "B" Intoxicating Liquor Licenses $120 per year plus publication costs
  Operator's License $15 per year
  Provisional Operator License $10 for up to 60 days
  Cigarette Retailer License $25 per year
Regulation and Licensing of Dogs Unneutered Male Dog $9 per dog
  Unspayed Female Dog $9 per dog
  Neutered Male Dog $4 per dog
  Spayed Female Dog $4 per dog
  Replacement License $2 per dog
  Late Fee $5 per dog
Health and Sanitation    
  Solid Waste $3 tall kitchen bag(13 gal) or smaller
    $5 any bag larger than tall kitchen bag
    $5 garbage can
  New Barrels  $12 each 
  Barrels with ashes  $2 per 1/4 full barrel 
    $4 per 1/2 full barrel 
    $6 per full barrel 
  Waste Tires  $7 per car tire 
    $10 per truck tire 
    $35 per tractor tire 
    $5 per motorcycle tire 
  Table  $10 per item 
  Sofa $25 per item 
  Stuffed or Recliner Chairs  $15 per item 
  Mattresses  $15 per item 
  Box Springs  $15 per item 
  Dressers  $10 per item 
  Microwaves  $10 per item 
  Computer, printer, monitor $10 per item 
  VCR/DVD players  $5 per item
  TV's $20 per item
  Box of Clear Garbage Bags $20 per box
  Freezer, Refrigerator, Dehumidifier, Air Conditioner $20 per item
Wood Chipping (on-site) Two workers to chip, truck, and wood chipper  $100 for first hour
    $50 for each extra hour or part thereof 
Real Estate and Land Use Rezoning Petition $400 per tax key number plus cost of professional services and publication costs
  Conditional Use Permit $400 plus cost of professional services and publication costs
  Board of Appeals $400 plus cost of professional services and publication costs
  CSM Review $400 per parcel/lot/homestead created
  Cost of a Special Town Board or Planning Commission Meeting  $400 per meeting 
  Title Questionnaire Completion/Certification  $10 per item 
  Taxes/Bills to Financial Institutions  $10 per item
  Request for Zoning Classification  $10 per item 
  Subdivision Plat Review  $500 per parcel/lot/homestead created 
  Submission of Items for Review by other Governmental Bodies/Authorities as required by Statue  $20 per parcel/lot/homestead created 
Professional Services All costs of professional services such as legal, engineering, research, recording fees, publication fees, and traffic control costs related to any action initiated by a responsible party, other than the Town, to be reviewed or acted upon by the Town of Wayne Planning Commission, Board of Appeals, or Town Board of Supervisors shall pass to the responsible party.  
  Costs of repairs to the town property shall be passed through to the party responsible for the damage Upon billing, all fees (or amounts) shall be payable within 30 days.  If not paid within 30 days, interest will be charged at the rate of 1% per month for an annual rate of 12%


Section 2 SERVERABILITY.  If any provision of this ordinance is determined to be invalid or unconstitutional, or if the application of this ordinance to any person or circumstance is invalid or unconstitutional, such invalidity or unconstitutionally will not affect the other provision or applications of this ordinance which can be given effect aside from the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application.


Section  This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication as provided by law.


Approved by the Town Board of the Town of Wayne this 15th day of May, 2013.


Contact Us

Address: W6030 Mohawk Road, Campbellsport, Wisconsin, 53010


Phone: 262-626-4818


Fax: 262-626-1958



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